Daniel James Smith

Senior Software Developer


Daniel James Smith

Senior Software Developer


About Me

Hi! I’m Daniel James Smith,

I have 18+ year’s professional experience working in the software development sector. I am a detail oriented and organized person and I enjoy streamlining team productivity. I adapt quickly to changing demands. I follow newly developing technologies closely and enjoy adding advanced knowledge to my repertoire. I am also a strong believer in clean code, object oriented architecture and the S.O.L.I.D. design principles.

I am proficient and familiar with a vast array of technologies, concepts and programming languages. My awareness of the “best tool for the job” is not limited to the technologies I have previously used. I very quickly gain proficiency in new tools and technical environments.

My Services

Software Development

  • Custom Software Development
  • Web-Application Development
  • Systems Integration
  • Software Prototyping
  • Code Reviews


  • Project management
  • Assessment of IT concepts
  • Helping you with the digital transformation of your business
  • Aiding teams to embrace and follow Agile Methodologies
  • C#
  • .Net/.Net Core
  • SQL
  • JS/TS
Soft Skills
  • Communication
  • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • Leadership
  • Problem-Solving
  • Open-mindedness
  • Empathy
05/2021 - Present
Freelance Software Developer
Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of innovative ideas.
  • Software Development
  • Aiding teams to embrace and follow agile development practices
  • Helping clients with their digital transformation
  • Experience working remotely
  • Excellent communicator, team player and used to working within multi-national teams
  • Keeping up-to-date with technological trends
  • C#
  • dotnet
  • ASP.Net Core
  • SQL
  • Typescript
09/2020 - 09/2021
Senior Software Developer
Team SWS
Oerlikon Manmade Fibers, Remscheid
  • Architecting and developing a Common Service Platform (CSP) primarily focused on the textile producing industry and hosted in a private cloud environment.
  • Retrieving, interpreting and mapping of data from textile machines to the CSP (Data Connectors)
  • Migration of Plant Operations Center (POC) modules onto the CSP (Dataprocessors, Workflows, Reports)
  • Setup and maintenance of CI/CD pipelines in Gitlab
    • Packaging and distribution of Nuget packages
    • Implementing and running unit tests, including reporting of code coverage
    • Service/App Deployment
  • C#
  • ASP.NetCore
  • Docker
  • Postgres/Timescale
  • JS/TS
  • React
  • Gitlab
06/2019 - 01/2020
Technical Lead / Senior Software Developer
Team Matchmaking
Flowfact GmbH, Cologne
Building and managing a remote team of freelancers to develop a generic matchmaking solution
  • Creating a job description for Upworks
  • Screening of candidates and making a hiring decision
  • Definition of milestones
  • Reviewing and approving the finished milestones
  • Tracking and reporting progress of the project
  • C#
  • ASP.NetCore
  • Postgres
  • ElasticSearch
  • Apache Kafka
  • AWS
  • JS/TS
  • React
08/2018 - 08/2020
Senior Software Developer
Team Lannister
Flowfact GmbH, Cologne
  • Architecting and developing a software platform using a microservice based approach which is hosted using Amazon Web Services
  • Usability and performance improvements of the existing search solution
  • Cloud-based importer to migrate customers from an older on-premise solution onto the platform
  • Development of micro services for the following areas:
    • Automatic inquiry processing
    • Sync of contacts from FLOWFACT to O365, Exchange, Gmail
    • Generic Import service for importing entities via a csv-file
  • C#
  • ASP.NetCore
  • Docker
  • PostgresSQL
  • MongoDB
  • AWS
  • Apache Kafka
  • JS/TS
  • React
03/2017 - 07/2018
Senior Software Developer
Team Enterprise
Flowfact GmbH, Cologne

Architecting and developing a bi-directional sync of emails and appointments between Microsoft Exchange and Flowfact Performer

  • C#
  • ASP.Net
  • SQL-Server
  • Exchange Server
  • Exchange Webservices
  • MS GraphAPI
  • Visual Basic 6
  • React
09/2015 - 02/2017
Senior Software Developer
Team Solution
Flowfact GmbH, Cologne

Development of custom solutions for Flowfact Performer

  • Consulting customers with the current technical environment with possible extensions
  • Full support for customers planning to migrate from a 3rd party application to Flowfact
    Performer or Flowfact happy.
  • Preparation and scheduling of the data migration with the customer
  • Backup of existing data before the migration
  • Execution of the data migration
  • Quality assurance and functional tests of the target system
  • Informing the customer about the successful data migration and handover to the
    Customer Success Management
  • Creation of custom reports which the customer could view live results in Excel
  • C#
  • SQL
  • Visual Basic 6
  • VBA
03/2015 - 07/2015
Work and Travel in New Zealand

Working and travelling on the north island mostly around Auckland

11/2014 - 02/2015
Senior Software Developer
RSW-Orga GmbH, Moenchengladbach
  • Large architectural changes and major refactoring of the phrases catalogue. This is an important part of the print system „FFG“(Freie Formulargestaltung) which generates phrases that are printed on safety data sheets, labels and analysis reports.
  • Data migration from the current ERP system DIBAC to the future one d/3
  • Advice on training content (C#, VB.Net und Java) and evaluation of possible instructors
  • VB.Net
  • SQL
  • Java
  • XSLT
07/2013 - 06/2014
Work and Travel in Australia

During my stay in Australia I worked in hostels in return for accommodation.

Listed below are a few positions I held:

  • Receptionist
  • IT-Support
  • Security/Night Guard
  • Cleaner
  • General Maintenance
06/2006 - 07/2013
Software Developer
RSW-Orga GmbH, Moenchengladbach
  • Lead developer on a project known as LLS. This is a warehouse system that tightly integrates into the in-house developed ERP system DIBAC and DIBAC-Classic
  • Architecting, developing, testing, integrating and configuring the system with email, phone and sometimes on-site support
  • Creation and Enhancement of the bi-directional interface between DIBAC and LLS
  • Architecting, developing and testing new applications for the ERP-systems DIBAC and dibac-classic in the following business areas:
    • Purchase
    • Sales
    • Warehouse/Logistics
    • Production
    • Quality Assurance
  • Mentoring of apprentices
  • 1st- and 2nd level support for a wide range of products the was developing or re-selling
  • Teaching co-workers/new hires about different technologies used in the company
  • C#
  • SQL
  • .Net Framework 3.5
  • VB.Net
09/2002 - 06/2006
Software Developer (Apprentice)
RSW-Orga GmbH, Moenchengladbach
  • Designing, developing and testing new applications for DIBAC in the following areas:
    • Purchase
    • Sales
    • Warehouse
    • Logistics
    • Production
  • Ported applications from DIBAC-Classic (text-based interface) over to DIBAC (graphical user interface)
  • Introduced a system to translate and display all labels and messages in the ERP system into different languages
  • Unix
2002 - 2005
Berufskolleg Platz der Republik fuer Technik und Medien
  • Computer Science specializing in Software Development
  • IHK-Certified - Fachinformatiker in der Fachrichtung Anwendungsentwicklung
Gesamtschule Moenchengladbach-Hardt
  • Fachoberschulreife- similar to the GCSE O-Level in the UK
  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Web Design
  • Write Music
  • Photoshop
  • Graphic Design

Personal Interests

My time outside of work is currently split between:

  • Educational Reading (books, wikis, blogs, interviews, etc.) by:
    • Simon Sinek
    • Timothy Ferriss
    • Robert C. Martin
    • Michael Feathers
    • Roy Osherove
    • Scott Hanselmann
    • Jason Fried
    • Martin Fowler
    • etc.
  • Listening to podcasts
    • This Developers Life
    • .Net Rocks
    • The Tim Ferriss Show
    • We Have Concerns
  • Helping out on opensource projects
  • Woodworking in my own workshop
  • Travelling (in the last couple of years)
    • Australia
    • Thailand
    • Cambodia
    • New Zealand
    • USA
Get in Touch
  • Email: info@djsmith.de
  • Freelance: Available
Contact Form


    Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

    Daniel James Smith
    Weberstraße 43
    41749 Viersen

    E-Mail: info@djsmith.de

    Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE344261373


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